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Showing posts from July, 2024

Introduction to Database

  Database Design:  1. Introduction to Databases  Definition of a database A database is an organized collection of structured information or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. Example: Consider a university's student management system. This database might contain: Student personal information Course details Enrollment records Grades Students Table: StudentID | Name | DateOfBirth | Major 1001 | John Doe | 1999-05-15 | Computer Science 1002 | Jane Smith| 2000-03-22 | Biology Courses Table: CourseID | CourseName | Credits CS101 | Intro to Programming| 3 BIO201 | Cell Biology | 4 Enrollments Table: EnrollmentID | StudentID | CourseID | Semester | Grade 1 | 1001 | CS101 | Fall 2023 | A 2 | 1002 | BIO201 | Fall 2023 | B+ Importance of databases in modern computing Data Organization: Databases structure information logically. Data Retrieval: They allow quick and efficie