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MYSQL Constraints

 PK - Primary Key: Uniquely identifies each record in a table.

NN - Not Null: Ensures a column cannot have a NULL value.

UQ - Unique: Ensures all values in a column are different.

B - Binary: Stores binary byte strings.

UN - Unsigned: For numeric types, allows only non-negative values.

ZF - Zero Fill: Pads numeric values with zeros to the left.

AI - Auto Increment: Automatically generates a unique number for new records.

G - Generated Column: Value is computed from an expression.

  • PK - Primary Key
  • A primary key uniquely identifies each record in a table. It must contain unique values and cannot have NULL values. 
    CREATE TABLE Students ( StudentID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(50), Age INT );
    Here, StudentID is the primary key.
  • NN - Not Null 
  • This constraint ensures that a column cannot have NULL values. 
    CREATE TABLE Employees ( EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, Email VARCHAR(100) );
    The Name column cannot be left empty when inserting or updating records.

  • UQ - Unique 
  • This constraint ensures all values in a column are different. 

    CREATE TABLE Users ( UserID INT PRIMARY KEY, Username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE, Password VARCHAR(50) );
    The Username column must have unique values for all records.

  • B - Binary 
  • This is used to store binary byte strings. 

    CREATE TABLE Files ( FileID INT PRIMARY KEY, FileName VARCHAR(100), FileContent BINARY(1000) );
    FileContent can store binary data like images or documents.

  • UN - Unsigned 
  • For numeric types, this allows only non-negative values. 

    Quantity can only store values >= 0.
  • ZF - Zero Fill 
  • This pads numeric values with zeros to the left. 

    If OrderNumber is 123, it will be displayed as 000123.

  • AI - Auto Increment 
  • This automatically generates a unique number for new records. Example:

    CustomerID will automatically increment for each new record.

  • G - Generated Column 
  • The value is computed from an expression. 
    CREATE TABLE Rectangle ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY, Width INT, Height INT, Area INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (Width * Height) );
    The Area column is automatically calculated based on Width and Height.

    Difference Between INT and INT(5) data type
    Size of INT data type: An INT in MySQL is a 4-byte integer that can store values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (for signed integers) or 0 to 4,294,967,295 (for unsigned integers).

    Difference between INT and INT(5): The number in parentheses, like in INT(5), is often misunderstood. It does not affect the storage size or range of values that can be stored. Here's what it actually means:

    1. Display width: INT(5) specifies a display width of 5 digits. This only affects how the data is displayed in some contexts, not how it's stored.
    2. Padding: When used with ZEROFILL, it determines how many zeros to pad on the left side of the number when displaying it.
    3. No constraint: It doesn't constrain the number of digits that can be stored. You can still store numbers larger than 5 digits in an INT(5) column.

    CREATE TABLE example (
        a INT,
        b INT(5) ZEROFILL

    INSERT INTO example VALUES (123, 123), (12345, 12345), (1234567, 1234567);

    SELECT * FROM example;

    a               b
    123         00123
    12345     12345
    1234567 1234567

    Key points:

    • Both 'a' and 'b' can store the same range of values.
    • 'b' will display with leading zeros if the number has fewer than 5 digits.
    • Numbers larger than 5 digits are displayed normally in 'b'.

    In modern MySQL usage, specifying a display width for integer data types is deprecated, and it's recommended to use INT without the parentheses unless you specifically need ZEROFILL functionality.


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