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Keys in Relational Database

Database keys are fundamental to relational database design, ensuring data integrity, uniqueness, and efficient data retrieval. They also play a crucial role in establishing relationships between tables. Let's explore each type of key in detail using an expanded student records example.

Student Table

1. Super Key

Definition: A super key is a set of one or more attributes (columns) that uniquely identifies a record in a table.


- Uniqueness: A super key can have multiple attributes and still uniquely identify each record.

- Can contain extra attributes not necessary for unique identification

- Any superset of a key is also a super key

- May include redundant attributes

Examples in Student Table:

- {StudentID}

- {StudentID, FirstName}

- {StudentID, Email}

- {StudentID, FirstName, LastName, Email}

- {Email, PhoneNumber}


Super keys form the basis for understanding and identifying more specific types of keys. They help in recognizing all possible combinations of attributes that can uniquely identify records.

2. Candidate Key

Definition: A minimal super key, i.e., a super key with no redundant attributes.


- Must be able to uniquely identify each record

- Cannot have any of its attributes removed without losing uniqueness

- There can be multiple candidate keys in a table

Minimality: A candidate key must be a super key, but with the minimum number of attributes required to maintain uniqueness.

Uniqueness: Each candidate key uniquely identifies a record in the table.

Examples in Student Table:

- {StudentID}

- {Email}

- {PhoneNumber} (assuming it's unique for each student)


Candidate keys are crucial for identifying the potential primary keys of a table. They represent the minimal set of attributes needed for unique identification, which is essential for database normalization and efficient data management.

3. Primary Key

Definition: The candidate key chosen to be the main method of uniquely identifying records in a table.


- Must be unique for each record

- Cannot contain null values

- Should be immutable (not change over time)

- Ideally should be simple and numeric

- Only one primary key per table

Example in Student Table:

- StudentID


The primary key is fundamental to table design. It serves as the main identifier for records, is used in creating relationships between tables, and is crucial for maintaining data integrity and performing efficient data retrieval operations.

4. Alternate Key

Definition: Alternate keys are candidate keys that were not selected as the primary key. They serve as potential alternatives for uniquely identifying records.


- Can uniquely identify records, but is not chosen as the primary key

- May be used as an alternative method of accessing records

- Can be used to create unique constraints in the table

Examples in Student Table:

- Email

- PhoneNumber (if guaranteed to be unique)


Alternate keys provide additional unique identifiers for records. They can be useful for creating secondary indexes to improve query performance or as backup identifiers if the primary key needs to change.

5. Unique Key

Definition: Similar to a primary key, but can allow null values (unless specified otherwise).


- Ensures uniqueness among non-null values

- Can have multiple unique keys in a table

- Often used for alternate keys

Uniqueness: Ensures no duplicate values in the specified column(s).

Allows Nulls: Unlike the primary key, a unique key can allow null values (though nulls are treated as distinct values).

Example in Student Table:

- Email (if we allow it to be null for some records)

- PhoneNumber (if we allow it to be null)


Unique keys help maintain data integrity by ensuring the uniqueness of values in specific columns, even when those columns are not suitable as primary keys (e.g., due to allowing null values).

6. Foreign Key

Definition: An attribute or set of attributes that refers to the primary key of another table.  A foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table


- Establishes a link between two tables

- Maintains referential integrity (Ensures that the value in the foreign key column(s) matches values in the primary key of the referenced table.)

- Can be null if the relationship is optional

- A table can have multiple foreign keys


In the Student Table: DepartmentID (referring to a Department table)

Department Table:

DepartmentID | DepartmentName


101          | Computer Science

102          | Electrical Engineering


Foreign keys are crucial for establishing and maintaining relationships between tables. They ensure referential integrity and are fundamental to the relational database model.

7. Composite Key

Definition: A key that consists of two or more attributes to uniquely identify a record.


- Used when no single attribute can uniquely identify records

- All parts of the key must be used together to ensure uniqueness

- Can be used as primary key, foreign key, or unique key


Course Enrollment Table:

StudentID | CourseID | Semester | Year | Grade


1001      | CS101    | Fall     | 2023 | A

1001      | CS101    | Spring   | 2024 | B+

Here, the composite primary key would be {StudentID, CourseID, Semester, Year}


Composite keys are essential when dealing with complex relationships or when the uniqueness of records depends on a combination of attributes. They allow for more flexible and accurate representation of data relationships.

8. Natural Key

Definition: A key that is formed of real-world attributes that are inherently unique.


- Based on existing attributes that have a logical meaning

- May be less stable over time

- Often meaningful to users

Examples in Student Table:

- Email (if we assume it's always unique and won't change)

- Social Security Number (in a system where this is collected)


Natural keys can make data more intuitive and meaningful to users. However, they may be less stable over time and can pose privacy concerns if they contain sensitive information.

9. Surrogate Key

Definition: An artificial key created solely for the purpose of unique identification.


- Usually auto-generated by the DBMS (e.g., auto-increment or UUID)

- Has no business meaning

- Stable and unchanging

- Often used as the primary key

Example in Student Table:

- StudentID (if it's an auto-generated number)


Surrogate keys provide a stable, system-generated identifier that is immune to changes in business rules or data. They simplify key management, especially in cases of data warehousing or when natural keys are unstable or complex.


  • Super Key: Any set of attributes that uniquely identifies a record.
  • Candidate Key: Minimal super key, no redundant attributes.
  • Primary Key: Chosen candidate key to uniquely identify records, cannot be null.
  • Alternate Key: Other candidate keys not selected as primary.
  • Unique Key: Ensures unique values in specified columns, allows nulls.
  • Foreign Key: Links records between tables, maintains referential integrity.
  • Conclusion:

    Understanding these different types of keys is crucial for effective database design and management. Each key type serves specific purposes in maintaining data integrity, establishing relationships, and ensuring efficient data retrieval. When designing a database, careful consideration should be given to the selection of appropriate keys for each table, taking into account the nature of the data, performance requirements, and potential future changes to the data model.


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